What is assonance literary definition?


What is Assonance?

While working on the embodiment of his creative idea, the poet not only ponders over what the words take, how to combine them, but also takes into account their sound.

So how to define assonance? Assonance is a repetition of the same vowel sounds in a line or a stanza, which gives the poetic language a delightful sound and enhances its musicality.

In the verse the sound and meaning merge, and most clearly it is manifested in the rhyme, because the words that make it are designed for such a coincidence.

In some poetic works, certain sounds create the desired sound effect. The author seems to be drawing sounds, causing the reader to visual and auditory images. Such a phenomenon is called a narration.

Thus, the element of onomatopoeia is a correspondence between the phonetic form of the expression and the sound nature of the phenomenon being depicted.

Assonance examples in poetry and literature:

“He gives his harness bells a shake

To ask if there is some mistake.

The only other sound’s the sweep

Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dar and deep.

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.”

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (By Robert Frost)

What is assonance literary definition

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